Professional development opportunities
TDS’ Intern Associate Resource Group (ARG) is a group dedicated to supporting interns and priming them for present and future success. The Intern ARG offers onsite learning opportunities, guided site visits, lab, and facility tours so interns can learn more about everything that goes into making a large company run smoothly.

One of the many events the Intern ARG hosts is the Star Search Networking Event, which gives interns the opportunity to directly network with hiring managers from various departments throughout the company. Interns are also exposed to TDS leadership through the ARG’s bi-monthly meetings, which often feature guest speakers with valuable knowledge to share. If someone is unable to attend an event in person, TDS’ communication channels ensure interns can stay involved, regardless of availability or location.
Performing meaningful work
There are no errand runs or coffee pickups for interns at TDS. As a TDS intern, you will gain experience performing meaningful, portfolio-bolstering work that both relates to your area of study and directly contributes to the overall success of the company. There are endless opportunities to collaborate with professionals in many different business units, and to learn about careers you may not otherwise be exposed to.

The value interns provide TDS is recognized by Jim Butman, the President and CEO of TDS Telecom.
“We appreciate all the fresh ideas our interns bring to the table while learning how to develop and apply their skills,” said Butman. Their role is critical to driving innovation and making TDS a great place to work. I think we often learn as much from them as they learn from us.”
“Earning a seat at the table”
What makes the ARG great is that is it’s a program for interns, led by interns. Interns serving on the leadership committee are experienced, and have already found success in the company’s intern program. This connection ensures that interns are heavily involved in everything the ARG does. Weather it’s planning events or deciding which group trip would be most beneficial, interns always have the opportunity to be heard and earn a seat at the table.
Making work fun
In addition to building a portfolio and networking, internships are supposed to be fulfilling and enjoyable experiences. At TDS, there are frequent social outings where interns and employees interact outside of the traditional work environment.
TDS also instills the company value of giving back to the community in its interns through various volunteer opportunities each year. This summer, the Intern ARG collectively donated over 100 hours of time at Lake Farm County Park in Madison. At the park, interns worked with 12 leaders across the company serving the local community through cleanup efforts. TDS’ “Be Good Citizens” program allows for 16 hours of paid volunteer work each year.

Every intern can expect to be welcomed by leadership that is always looking for new ideas and talent, and to be provided with the rare opportunity to make a lasting impact on the company from day one.
To find out more about how TDS engages its intern population, contact Talent Acquisition:
Written by: Garrett Seymour | Intern – Communications | TDS | 608-664-5529 |