Tips to boost your Wi-Fi signal and get more out of your internet connection

Is your internet is a little sluggish? Do speed tests show you are not getting the internet speed you expect? While it could be your internet connection, there might be some factors inside your home that can impact your internet speed

Here are some tips for boosting your Wi-Fi to provide faster internet speeds.

  1. Remember, if you have multiple devices connected to your router, broadband can slow down. The more devices connected, the slower your device will go. Remember to disconnect devices you are not using to speed up your internet.
  2. Not all homes distribute a Wi-Fi signal evenly. The location of your internet router has a big impact on the strength of your Wi-Fi signal. If your computer and devices are a long distance from the router or if the signal has to go through thick walls, this could lead to slow internet. Position your Wi-Fi router in a central location and on a desk (waist height). Avoid putting it on the floor, close to a TV, inside a cabinet, near metal objects, or in the corner or the basement of your home. The gateway needs open spaces, away from walls and obstructions.
  3. Keep in mind that Wi-Fi travels through glass better than through concrete and brick walls. Wi-Fi signals can also be affected if your devices are located near microwaves, cordless phones, baby monitors, security cameras, and blue-tooth devices.
  4. It could be the age of your devices. Remember older laptops and smartphones may not download information as quickly as a tablet or other newer devices.
  5. Kick out Wi-Fi freeloaders. Interferences may have nothing to do with your signal, you could have a guest or two piggybacking on your network. Make sure your Wi-Fi is encrypted and protected, so others aren’t using your bandwidth without your knowledge. If the neighbor is downloading movies on your Wi-Fi, your video chats will suffer. Secure your network with a strong password.
  6. Pesky viruses and malware may also be running in the background of your computer or devices and hampering your speed. Remember to scan your devices regularly to keep them running smoothly.

You may also want to consider TDS® Whole Home Wi-Fi, a service available to most residential internet customers that provides a strong Wi-Fi signal on all connected devices. Using mesh network technology, TDS® Whole Home Wi-Fi minimizes dead zones, slow spots, and buffering by broadcasting wireless internet signals from multiple points in a home, rather than a single location. The technology blankets the whole home with a strong Wi-Fi signal, so you have a reliable connection and great internet experience.

TDS® Whole Home Wi-Fi is collaborating with eero to deliver their intelligent whole-home Wi-Fi service. The technology uses machine learning to optimize the Wi-Fi signal and route network traffic efficiently. This ensures a strong signal and expansive coverage.

TDS® Whole Home Wi-Fi is available in all TDS Cable markets. Some restrictions apply. Please call for details at 855-771-3961 or go to

Media Contact: Cheryl McCollum | Associate Manager - Communications | TDS Telecom | 608-664-2388 |  

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