TDS Cares is a vibrant illustration of our commitment to the communities we serve. From hands-on volunteering to in-kind and direct financial support, TDS takes a vested interest in the growth and success of our communities. In fact, community involvement is so imperative to our core beliefs that TDS has a “Be Good Citizens” program, which provides associates with 16 hours of paid time off every year to volunteer.

Throughout the year, TDS sponsors community events from festivals to food drives and donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to important, impactful causes. TDS prioritizes giving to organizations that support people’s basic needs (e.g., food, clothing, shelter, and medical care) and organizations that support Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education. In 2024, TDS made over $1 million in philanthropic donations across the country.

Every summer the company holds the TDS Open, a golf event for associates and business partners. Since it became a fundraiser in 2011, the golf outing has raised more than $900,000 for worthy charities in our communities. In 2024, the TDS Open raised a record-setting $165,000 shared between two receiving charities—Badger Childhood Cancer Network (Madison, Wis.) and Project 16:49 (Janesville, Wis.).

Various TDS Cares initiatives throughout the year contribute toward TDS’ commitment to community involvement, including a companywide Week of Giving campaign during the holiday season. For the past three years, associates throughout the country have come together the week after Thanksgiving for themed charitable giving events. In the 2024 Week of Giving, associates volunteered 228 hours and TDS contributed over $100,000 to local organizations.

USA map with cropped photographs of community involvement activities inside the outline of each state serviced by TDS

Community outreach

Group of people holding trick or treat bags
TDS Cares Jefferson Food Pantry Donation four people holding a large check
Mooresville PD with TDS workers in behind a table that is lined with stuffed bear toys.

Learn About the Community Partnership Program available to customers in Central Oregon.