Please complete the form below and then click “submit.” Within 2-3 weeks, you will receive a response via email.
If your request is granted, you will need to provide documentation of your 501(c)(3) status via W9 form. In addition, we invite you to share this news with your community and friends. Here are some places to consider:
- Sharing photos and updates on our corporate Facebook page,
- Including TDS in any Twitter posts with the hashtag #TDSdonation
- Sending an update to your local newspaper with a photo
- Writing and submitting a letter to the editor thanking your supporters
- Send photos/updates to us at so that we can publish them as appropriate.
Please understand that we receive a lot of requests and review them in the order they are received. Submitting your request does not imply a contract for service. Receiving support one year does not guarantee future support.
If you have questions, please email us at